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Saturday 4 August 2012

What is a Power Supply Unit?:

Power Supply Unit:

The hard disk drive is the main, and usually largest, data storage device in a computer. The operating system, software titles and most other files are stored in the hard disk drive
The power supply unit's job is to convert the power provided from the outlet into usable power for the many parts inside the computer case.

PSU, power supply, power pack, power converter
Motherboards, cases and power supplies all come in different sizes called form factors. All three must be compatible to work properly together.
A PSU is not usually user serviceable. For your safety, it's usually wise to never open a power supply unit.
CoolMax, Ultra, (Most power supply units are preinstalled in computer cases)

The Power Supply Unit is Also Known As:

Important Power Supply Unit Facts:

Popular Power Supply Unit Manufacturers:

Power Supply Unit Description:The power supply unit is mounted just inside the back of the case.The side of the PSU facing outside the case has a male, three pronged port that a power cable, connected to a power source, plugs into. There is also often a power switch and apower supply voltage switch.Large bundles of colored wires extend from the opposite side of the power supply unit into the computer. Connectors at the opposite ends of the wires connect to various components inside the computer. Some are specifically designed to plug in to the motherboard while others have connectors that fit into fans, floppy drives, hard drives, optical drives, and even some high powered video cards.Power supply units are rated by wattage to show how much power they can provide to the computer. Since each computer part requires a certain amount of power to function properly, it's important to have a PSU that can provide the right amount. The very handy Journey Systems Power Supply Calculator tool can help you determine how much you need.

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