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Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Google SMS tips & tricks.


                             Now you know that Google SMS can help you get useful information via text messaging. What else can you do with this handy free service? A lot, including currency conversions, calculations, and even translations!
The key to all of these Google SMS searches is to enter a word describing the kind of search you want to do first, followed by the query. Once you’ve entered your request, just send the text message via SMS to +919870807070
For the basics on Google SMS, see Google via SMS. For the basics on how to compose and send an SMS message, see How to create an SMS message.
Now for a few examples!
Dictionary definitions: Enter the word “define” followed by a word. Example: define supernumerary
Translations: Enter the word “translate” followed by an English word, then the word “in” and the name of the language you want. Example:translate coffee in French
Price lookups: At the store and want to find out if you’re getting a fair price on something? Do a Froogle search on the fly, via SMS, by entering the word “price” followed by a product. Example: price 40GB ipod
Calculator: Sure, your phone probably has a calculator app that can do simple multiplication and division. But Google SMS can do fancy geometric and engineering calculations with figures in many kinds of units. Here’s an example: 400 * 500 feet in acres
Currency conversions: Want to know how far your dollar will go in Germany? Enter a number of dollars followed by “usd” (for U.S. Dollars) followed by “in” and the name of a currency. Example: 100 usd in euros
Find out where an area code or ZIP code is: Just enter the code and send it to Google. Example: 650
Sports scores and game times: Just enter the name of a team and Google SMS replies with the most recent game’s score and the date and time of the next one. Example: sf giants
Need help using Google SMS? Just send the word “help” in an SMS message to Google, and it will send a helpful mini-guide back to you. Or send the word “tips” for some shortcuts you can use with Google SMS.
Google SMS tips & tricks. Now you know that Google SMS can help you get useful

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