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Sunday, 29 July 2012

How to get IP address of another computer remotely

How to get IP address of another computer remotely

Hello friends, today i will explain you how to get IP address of any computer remotely. Using some very basic tricks we can find the IP address of any remote computer and then you can start your further hacking into the remote system like port scanning and finding vulnerabilities to enter in to the system and hack it. There are several methods to get an IP address of the victim but i will share few and specially the best one's that can tell you IP address in just few clicks and also all are free methods and special thing is about it is all are manual methods that means you did not require any tool.

 ways to get the IP address of the Victim or another Computer:
1. Using PHP notification Script
2. Sniffing during Gmail and yahoo chat  sessions
3.Using  ip tools.

What is an IP address? 
Basically IP address or Internet Protocol address is a unique numerical value that is assigned to any computer or printer on a computer network that uses an internet protocol for communication purpose. Protocol is basically rules( for Network its rules for communication). 
IP address serves for two basic purposes:
1. Host or network interface identification
2. Location Addressing


How to Find IP address of another computer?

1. Using PHP notification Script
Using this Notification script you can get the IP address in just seconds. Steps of using this PHP script:
a. Download the PHP notify script and extract files.

b. Now you will get two files IP.html and index.php . You need to upload these two files to any free web hosting server.
Example: i used www.my3gb.com to upload these two files. Create an account there and upload these two files there as shown below.

By using social networking sites
Social networking sites likw omegle.com,facebook,orkut,twitter can be used to get ip address of the person whom u want….by using fuglekos.com
Go to this link

How? - You upload an image to this web-page and recieve a link to the image. You can send the link to somebody on mail/IM or use it in forum signatures/soscial network websites etc. When somebody opens/views the image in their browser, their IP ADDRESS will be logged and you will be able to view the log information on this web-page.

How do you find someone's ip address if they are harassing you in chat, forum or other online social media? How can you get the ip address of an anonymous person when you are the victim of online abuse? There are many ways explained if you google the subject, most of them complicated. With Fuglekos.com IP-GRABBER all you have to do is to make sure they open the link to your image. Like the cheese in a mouse trap, your picture will be irresistable! And voila, you get their ip address and timestamp in the log.
But we cant able to get the ip address of victim by posting in facebook wall or in orkut…
Because facebook shows its own ip address,the best way to this is by sending the link along in chat !!!

 Sniffing Yahoo and Gmail Chat sessions

With the help of Sniffers like ethereal, wireshark etc we can sniff the Gmail, and yahoo chat sessions while we are chatiing to any our friend and extract the IP address from there. I will explain this trick in detail in my next article as its a long article in itself.


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